Saturday, February 11, 2012

It does get better, but not just right now

Hello, fellow few readers. I am deeply sorry that I haven't been writing here for a while. I edited this post after a few months because I felt it was indeed too personal. I'll just let a few paragraphs remain for reasons.

That one day that I did go to school these past weeks was horrible from the start. The freezing weather outside, the useless subjects I had that day, the project that was half-assed, the mood from home, my sore tooth, everything. When I got in class I swear I never felt so far-away from anyone. I felt out of place. I just wanted to go back home, to go back to my things, to find a solution or something.

That day passed. I got an A on my project. Fortunately, it was a team project, so the other two teammates of mine did a great job and with what else I could have helped them then, it didn't turn out that bad. Also the teacher was in a good mood, and since we were the first ones to present it, she gave us credit for breaking the ice.

The next day, after a few hours the problem got solved, and the house was cozy again. Suddenly everything seemed brighter. I must tell you now that things weren't all that bad as of right then. A friend lent me her laptop for however long I needed it since she had a spare one. I got a project proposal that seems very promising. Winter is ending soon enough, so the bills will subside.

Things might not look so bright as of now, but they do get better. Trust in that. Look for the little signs. Some random text messages that I got those days were the things that kept me going. The books I was reading as well. The kindness of your friends and their readiness to help you when you're down. Cherish that. Not many have that. Keep an ear out for that one song on the radio that will make your day. Go outside and smile. Try and forget about your problems for an hour or two.

This too shall pass.

But not quite now.

Have a little patience.

It does get better.

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