Tuesday, April 10, 2012


*there was a pic here that got removed*
So I got dwarf hamsters! Here's Tuca with Twilight Sparkle. He was so tiny, but he grew these last few weeks :3 I've got two more, Hiroshima and Black-Widow, but they were too hyper to get them out and take photos of them. They're bigger, but BW is friggin nuts, she bites the other two like crazy and is said to have already nom-nom-ed on another... I've put her in a shoe box for a few days and now she's behaving better ^^

I got really happy that my friend thought to give them to me, since he got a cat (another chick magnet, as I may quote him) cause these lil' noisy creatures bought a sunshine in my house/room. Everything was so gloomy and somehow everybody became a tad happier, a bit more optimistic.

So that was the monthly rant, hope you all are doing well!